TLS was last updated
on March 27, 2024.

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Team Scouting Report
(As Of 03/26/2024)
Section - Texas
Area - Dallas
League - 2023 DTA N-A 18 & Over ADULT Fall W. Friday
Flight - W3.5
Subflight - Flight D
RGAC/Smith W3.5
League Record: 2 - 6
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Christina Lafferty - 3.43
Stephanie Smith - 3.39
Tammy Pinder - 3.18
Julie Fecht - 3.15
Julie Asbill - 3.14
Paula Gloviak - 3.13
Barbara Hanks - 3.08
Amy Clark - 3.05
Heidi McKee - 3.02
Sarah Johnson - 2.94
Jane Schubert - 2.83
Barbara Saetz - 2.59
League Results By Position
1S 1D 2D 3D
Julie Asbill - 3.14 & Christina Lafferty - 3.43 1 - 0
Julie Asbill - 3.14 & Barbara Hanks - 3.08 1 - 1
Julie Asbill - 3.14 & Julie Fecht - 3.15 1 - 0
Julie Asbill - 3.14 & Sarah Johnson - 2.94 0 - 1
Tammy Pinder - 3.18 & Christina Lafferty - 3.43 1 - 2
Stephanie Smith - 3.39 & Christina Lafferty - 3.43 1 - 0
Stephanie Smith - 3.39 2 - 1
Amy Clark - 3.05 0 - 4
Julie Fecht - 3.15 & Sarah Johnson - 2.94 0 - 1
Sarah Johnson - 2.94 & Heidi McKee - 3.02 0 - 1
Paula Gloviak - 3.13 & Julie Asbill - 3.14 0 - 1
Paula Gloviak - 3.13 & Tammy Pinder - 3.18 1 - 1
Paula Gloviak - 3.13 & Sarah Johnson - 2.94 1 - 1
Jane Schubert - 2.83 & Tammy Pinder - 3.18 1 - 0
Jane Schubert - 2.83 & Stephanie Smith - 3.39 1 - 0
Jane Schubert - 2.83 & Barbara Hanks - 3.08 0 - 1
Jane Schubert - 2.83 & Heidi McKee - 3.02 0 - 1
Jane Schubert - 2.83 & Barbara Saetz - 2.59 0 - 1
Barbara Saetz - 2.59 & Barbara Hanks - 3.08 0 - 2
Barbara Saetz - 2.59 & Heidi McKee - 3.02 0 - 1
Barbara Saetz - 2.59 0 - 1
SpringPark/Middlebrook-Mignardi W3.5
League Record: 3 - 2
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Kelsey Jensen - 3.44
Eva Sperling - 3.41
Macy Melton - 3.39
Timla Healey - 3.10
Susan Harvey - 3.01
Julie Richard - 3.00
Nancy Lacey - 2.98
Marcy Mignardi - 2.96
Leanne Freiberg - 2.96
Karen Eubanks - 2.96
Christi Macaluso - 2.96
Elisa Smith - 2.86
Loretta Middlebrook - 2.85
Leah Updyke - 2.60
League Results By Position
1S 1D 2D 3D
Karen Eubanks - 2.96 & Julie Richard - 3.00 0 - 1
Susan Harvey - 3.01 & Julie Richard - 3.00 1 - 0
Susan Harvey - 3.01 & Elisa Smith - 2.86 1 - 0
Susan Harvey - 3.01 & Christi Macaluso - 2.96 1 - 0
Julie Richard - 3.00 & Christi Macaluso - 2.96 0 - 1
Julie Richard - 3.00 & Kelsey Jensen - 3.44 1 - 0
Julie Richard - 3.00 & Macy Melton - 3.39 0 - 1
Timla Healey - 3.10 & Leah Updyke - 2.60 0 - 1
Timla Healey - 3.10 & Leanne Freiberg - 2.96 1 - 0
Elisa Smith - 2.86 & Eva Sperling - 3.41 1 - 0
Christi Macaluso - 2.96 & Kelsey Jensen - 3.44 0 - 1
Christi Macaluso - 2.96 & Marcy Mignardi - 2.96 0 - 1 1 - 0
Kelsey Jensen - 3.44 1 - 0
Leanne Freiberg - 2.96 & Nancy Lacey - 2.98 0 - 1
Marcy Mignardi - 2.96 & Eva Sperling - 3.41 1 - 1 1 - 0
Nancy Lacey - 2.98 & MARY DAMKROGER - 3.28 0 - 1
Macy Melton - 3.39 & MARY DAMKROGER - 3.28 1 - 0 1 - 0
Macy Melton - 3.39 2 - 2
MARY DAMKROGER - 3.28 2 - 0
Eva Sperling - 3.41 1 - 0
Loretta Middlebrook - 2.85 & Leah Updyke - 2.60 0 - 1
Loretta Middlebrook - 2.85 & Christi Macaluso - 2.96 0 - 1
Loretta Middlebrook - 2.85 & Kelsey Jensen - 3.44 0 - 1
Loretta Middlebrook - 2.85 & Eva Sperling - 3.41 0 - 1
Eldorado/Griffin W3.5
League Record: 0 - 7
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Jill Heidorf - 3.45
Aimee Griffin - 3.31
Deana Brasuell - 3.27
Torri Hansen - 3.21
Kirstin Perales - 2.92
Lisa Leder - 2.90
Meaghan Leder - 2.79
Sydney Sherley - 2.77
Janie Painter - 2.77
Cheraina Dunn - 2.77
Mary Miles - 2.70
Stephanie Perry - 2.56
Lisa Bressman - 2.49
Joi Macy - n/a
Debbie Denissen - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 1D 2D 3D
Sydney Sherley - 2.77 & Cheraina Dunn - 2.77 0 - 1
Sydney Sherley - 2.77 & Torri Hansen - 3.21 0 - 1
Sydney Sherley - 2.77 & Lisa Bressman - 2.49 0 - 1 0 - 1
Sydney Sherley - 2.77 & Debbie Denissen - n/a 0 - 1
Lisa Leder - 2.90 & Aimee Griffin - 3.31 0 - 1
Aimee Griffin - 3.31 & Joi Macy - n/a 0 - 1
Aimee Griffin - 3.31 & Jill Heidorf - 3.45 2 - 0
Aimee Griffin - 3.31 & Kirstin Perales - 2.92 0 - 1
Aimee Griffin - 3.31 & Janie Painter - 2.77 0 - 1
Aimee Griffin - 3.31 & Deana Brasuell - 3.27 1 - 0
Joi Macy - n/a & Cheraina Dunn - 2.77 0 - 1
Jill Heidorf - 3.45 & Janie Painter - 2.77 1 - 0
Jill Heidorf - 3.45 & Deana Brasuell - 3.27 0 - 2
Jill Heidorf - 3.45 1 - 0
Kirstin Perales - 2.92 & Stephanie Perry - 2.56 0 - 1
Kirstin Perales - 2.92 & Cheraina Dunn - 2.77 0 - 1
Kirstin Perales - 2.92 0 - 2
Cheraina Dunn - 2.77 & Janie Painter - 2.77 0 - 1
Torri Hansen - 3.21 & Meaghan Leder - 2.79 0 - 1
Torri Hansen - 3.21 0 - 1
Janie Painter - 2.77 & Meaghan Leder - 2.79 0 - 1
Janie Painter - 2.77 0 - 1
Deana Brasuell - 3.27 0 - 1
Meaghan Leder - 2.79 1 - 0
Mary Miles - 2.70 & Lisa Bressman - 2.49 0 - 1
Debbie Denissen - n/a & Meaghan Leder - 2.79 0 - 1
McKinney/Garza-Pike W3.5
League Record: 5 - 2
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Christina Wellham - 3.42
Rachel Garza - 3.41
Laurie Deckert - 3.31
Stephanie Bice - 3.21
Lea Plamann - 3.20
Li su - 3.19
Jennifer Dugan - 3.19
cristin pike - 3.15
Susan Ellis - 3.09
Julie Hansen - 3.09
Kelly Tallo - 2.86
Eve Liu - 2.84
League Results By Position
1S 1D 2D 3D
Stephanie Bice - 3.21 & Rachel Garza - 3.41 1 - 0
Stephanie Bice - 3.21 & Julie Hansen - 3.09 0 - 1 1 - 0
Eve Liu - 2.84 & Kelly Tallo - 2.86 0 - 1
Eve Liu - 2.84 & Li su - 3.19 0 - 1
Eve Liu - 2.84 0 - 1
Christina Wellham - 3.42 & Susan Ellis - 3.09 1 - 0
Christina Wellham - 3.42 & Laurie Deckert - 3.31 1 - 0
Christina Wellham - 3.42 & Rachel Garza - 3.41 1 - 0
Susan Ellis - 3.09 & cristin pike - 3.15 0 - 1 1 - 0
Susan Ellis - 3.09 & Kelly Tallo - 2.86 1 - 0
Susan Ellis - 3.09 0 - 1
cristin pike - 3.15 & Laurie Deckert - 3.31 1 - 0
cristin pike - 3.15 1 - 0
Lea Plamann - 3.20 & Jennifer Dugan - 3.19 1 - 2
Lea Plamann - 3.20 1 - 0
Jennifer Dugan - 3.19 & Rachel Garza - 3.41 1 - 0
Laurie Deckert - 3.31 & Rachel Garza - 3.41 2 - 0
Li su - 3.19 & JUNKO CARRINGTON - 3.73 2 - 0
Li su - 3.19 1 - 0
Julie Hansen - 3.09 & cristin pike - 3.15 1 - 0
Julie Hansen - 3.09 & Jennifer Dugan - 3.19 1 - 0
Julie Hansen - 3.09 & Kelly Tallo - 2.86 0 - 2
High Point/Gomez W3.5
League Record: 1 - 3
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Hsiao-Lan Wilson - 3.47
Cathy Epperson - 3.38
Kelly Britson - 3.23
Renee Simpson - 3.21
Judi Robeson - 3.21
Alma Gomez - 3.19
Jadey Liu - 3.15
Rashi Poddar - 3.14
Nan Morrow - 3.11
Melissa Monroe - 3.08
Debbie Buchanan - 3.06
Laura Schussler - 3.04
Lisa Hendricks - 3.01
Jeannette Escutia - 2.99
Barbie Bernier - 2.93
League Results By Position
1S 1D 2D 3D
Melissa Monroe - 3.08 & Nan Morrow - 3.11 0 - 1
Melissa Monroe - 3.08 & Barbie Bernier - 2.93 1 - 1
Melissa Monroe - 3.08 & Hsiao-Lan Wilson - 3.47 1 - 0
Melissa Monroe - 3.08 & Laura Schussler - 3.04 0 - 1
Judi Robeson - 3.21 & Alma Gomez - 3.19 1 - 0
Kelly Britson - 3.23 & Alma Gomez - 3.19 0 - 1
Kelly Britson - 3.23 0 - 2
Alma Gomez - 3.19 & Jadey Liu - 3.15 0 - 1
Cathy Epperson - 3.38 1 - 1
Rashi Poddar - 3.14 1 - 1
Hsiao-Lan Wilson - 3.47 & Nan Morrow - 3.11 1 - 0 1 - 0
Hsiao-Lan Wilson - 3.47 & Lisa Hendricks - 3.01 1 - 0
Hsiao-Lan Wilson - 3.47 & Laura Schussler - 3.04 0 - 1
Laura Schussler - 3.04 & Judi Robeson - 3.21 1 - 1 0 - 1
Laura Schussler - 3.04 & Jadey Liu - 3.15 1 - 0
Renee Simpson - 3.21 & Alma Gomez - 3.19 0 - 2
Jeannette Escutia - 2.99 & Lisa Hendricks - 3.01 1 - 0
Jeannette Escutia - 2.99 & Judi Robeson - 3.21 1 - 0
Jeannette Escutia - 2.99 & Kelly Britson - 3.23 0 - 1
Debbie Buchanan - 3.06 & Lisa Hendricks - 3.01 0 - 1
Debbie Buchanan - 3.06 & Jadey Liu - 3.15 1 - 0
ROCC/Copley-Peticolas W3.5
League Record: 5 - 2
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Julianne Evans - 3.51
Kelly Turco - 3.36
Fran Matise - 3.34
Lisa Wallace - 3.33
Kelley Green - 3.33
Janice Van Arsdale - 3.31
Erin Copley - 3.31
Mary Yang - 3.27
Kerri Scott - 3.25
Ashley Hughes - 3.18
Mary Dalrymple - 3.17
Melissa Peticolas - 3.16
mary beth duffy - 3.11
Kathy Adams - 3.09
Carol Kallman - 3.09
Pamela Porter - 3.02
Emily Cox - 3.02
Tara Moore - 2.52
Julie Gasch - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 1D 2D 3D
Kathy Adams - 3.09 & Emily Cox - 3.02 1 - 0
Kathy Adams - 3.09 & Janice Van Arsdale - 3.31 0 - 1
Kathy Adams - 3.09 & Kelley Green - 3.33 1 - 0
Pamela Porter - 3.02 & Fran Matise - 3.34 0 - 1
Pamela Porter - 3.02 & Julianne Evans - 3.51 1 - 0
Lisa Wallace - 3.33 & Kerri Scott - 3.25 1 - 0
Lisa Wallace - 3.33 & Melissa Peticolas - 3.16 1 - 0
Carol Kallman - 3.09 & mary beth duffy - 3.11 1 - 0
Carol Kallman - 3.09 & Erin Copley - 3.31 1 - 0
Emily Cox - 3.02 & Ashley Hughes - 3.18 1 - 0
Emily Cox - 3.02 & Janice Van Arsdale - 3.31 0 - 1
Fran Matise - 3.34 & Kerri Scott - 3.25 1 - 0
Fran Matise - 3.34 & Kelly Turco - 3.36 1 - 0
Fran Matise - 3.34 1 - 0
Kelly Turco - 3.36 & Julianne Evans - 3.51 0 - 1
Kelly Turco - 3.36 1 - 0
Ashley Hughes - 3.18 & Janice Van Arsdale - 3.31 0 - 1
Ashley Hughes - 3.18 & Kelley Green - 3.33 1 - 0
Janice Van Arsdale - 3.31 & Julie Gasch - n/a 1 - 0
Julie Gasch - n/a & Melissa Peticolas - 3.16 0 - 1
Kelley Green - 3.33 & Melissa Peticolas - 3.16 0 - 1
Kelley Green - 3.33 1 - 0
Melissa Peticolas - 3.16 & Mary Yang - 3.27 1 - 0
Melissa Peticolas - 3.16 & Julianne Evans - 3.51 1 - 0
Mary Yang - 3.27 1 - 0
Julianne Evans - 3.51 & Erin Copley - 3.31 1 - 0
Erin Copley - 3.31 0 - 3
Mary Dalrymple - 3.17 1 - 0
Tara Moore - 2.52 & Emily Cox - 3.02 0 - 1
Tara Moore - 2.52 & mary beth duffy - 3.11 0 - 1
4 Seasons/Gray W3.5
League Record: 4 - 1
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Mary Katherine Polk - 3.90
Maria McGee - 3.48
Vesna Gray - 3.39
Astyn Davis - 3.29
Anne Givens - 3.28
Julie Harner - 3.27
Rachel Stoll - 3.23
Jacie Walker - 3.15
Colleen Christl - 3.14
Clare Holbrook - 3.09
Ainsley Pierce - 3.02
Donna Lucas - 2.98
Carolyn Strickfaden - 2.93
Stacey Butler - n/a
Marybeth Conlon - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 1D 2D 3D
Vesna Gray - 3.39 & Rachel Stoll - 3.23 1 - 0
Vesna Gray - 3.39 & Anne Givens - 3.28 0 - 1
Vesna Gray - 3.39 & Clare Holbrook - 3.09 2 - 0 1 - 2
Carolyn Strickfaden - 2.93 & Ainsley Pierce - 3.02 0 - 1
Maria McGee - 3.48 & Ainsley Pierce - 3.02 1 - 0
Maria McGee - 3.48 & Astyn Davis - 3.29 1 - 0
Ainsley Pierce - 3.02 & Astyn Davis - 3.29 0 - 1 1 - 0
Marybeth Conlon - n/a 1 - 1
Colleen Christl - 3.14 & Astyn Davis - 3.29 0 - 1 1 - 0
Colleen Christl - 3.14 & Anne Givens - 3.28 0 - 1
Jacie Walker - 3.15 & Astyn Davis - 3.29 0 - 1
Rachel Stoll - 3.23 & Julie Harner - 3.27 1 - 0
Rachel Stoll - 3.23 & Anne Givens - 3.28 1 - 0 1 - 1
Julie Harner - 3.27 0 - 1
Mary Katherine Polk - 3.90 4 - 0
Donna Lucas - 2.98 & Stacey Butler - n/a 1 - 0
Donna Lucas - 2.98 & Anne Givens - 3.28 0 - 1
Donna Lucas - 2.98 & Clare Holbrook - 3.09 0 - 1
DAC/Moore-Freeman W3.5
League Record: 6 - 1
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Donna Lee - 3.54
Shelly Tompkins - 3.44
Amanda VanDenBerg - 3.42
Yvette Freeman - 3.35
Andrea Fuquay - 3.32
Amy Moore - 3.32
Elizabeth McCrary - 3.31
Katherine Rader - 3.26
Heather Evetts - 3.26
Amy Shepardson - 3.24
Jessica Pierce - 3.22
Amy Wandstrat - 3.21
Nicole Ashton - 3.20
Laura Frazure - 3.17
League Results By Position
1S 1D 2D 3D
Donna Lee - 3.54 & Amy Wandstrat - 3.21 1 - 0
Donna Lee - 3.54 & Yvette Freeman - 3.35 1 - 1
Donna Lee - 3.54 1 - 0
Katherine Rader - 3.26 & Elizabeth McCrary - 3.31 1 - 1 0 - 1
Amy Wandstrat - 3.21 & Elizabeth McCrary - 3.31 1 - 0
Amy Wandstrat - 3.21 & Amy Shepardson - 3.24 1 - 0 2 - 0
Elizabeth McCrary - 3.31 & Andrea Fuquay - 3.32 1 - 0
Heather Evetts - 3.26 & Yvette Freeman - 3.35 1 - 0 1 - 0
Heather Evetts - 3.26 & Jessica Pierce - 3.22 1 - 0
Heather Evetts - 3.26 & ASHLEY CAROTHERS - 3.31 1 - 1
Amy Moore - 3.32 & Shelly Tompkins - 3.44 1 - 0
Amy Moore - 3.32 & Amanda VanDenBerg - 3.42 3 - 0
Laura Frazure - 3.17 & Amanda VanDenBerg - 3.42 1 - 0
Laura Frazure - 3.17 & ASHLEY CAROTHERS - 3.31 1 - 0
Laura Frazure - 3.17 1 - 1
Amy Shepardson - 3.24 & Shelly Tompkins - 3.44 1 - 0
Amanda VanDenBerg - 3.42 1 - 0
Jessica Pierce - 3.22 1 - 0
Nicole Ashton - 3.20 1 - 2
Samuell Grand/Kaplan-Grubstein W3.5
League Record: 2 - 4
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Dolores Staffin - 3.43
Lacey Mills - 3.42
Stephanie Golman - 3.32
Rena Grubstein - 3.24
Kim Velevis - 3.23
Joanna Greenstone - 3.19
Wendy Kaplan - 3.18
Sarah Clayton - 3.18
Cynthia Solomon - 3.17
Lori Stern - 3.13
Marlo Kane - 3.11
Adrienne Bransky - 3.05
Brett Levy - 3.04
Emily Simon - 3.02
Debbie Katz - 2.93
Rachel Ladin - 2.92
carrie song - 2.88
Jennifer Chazanow - 2.72
Nicole Thomas - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 1D 2D 3D
Wendy Kaplan - 3.18 & Adrienne Bransky - 3.05 0 - 1
Wendy Kaplan - 3.18 0 - 3
Sarah Clayton - 3.18 & Dolores Staffin - 3.43 0 - 2
Jennifer Chazanow - 2.72 & Marlo Kane - 3.11 0 - 1
Jennifer Chazanow - 2.72 & carrie song - 2.88 0 - 1
Adrienne Bransky - 3.05 1 - 1
Marlo Kane - 3.11 & carrie song - 2.88 0 - 1
Rachel Ladin - 2.92 & Brett Levy - 3.04 0 - 1
Rachel Ladin - 2.92 & carrie song - 2.88 0 - 1
Nicole Thomas - n/a & Emily Simon - 3.02 1 - 0
Joanna Greenstone - 3.19 & Brett Levy - 3.04 0 - 1
Joanna Greenstone - 3.19 & Emily Simon - 3.02 0 - 1
Lori Stern - 3.13 & Cynthia Solomon - 3.17 0 - 1 1 - 0
Lori Stern - 3.13 & Lacey Mills - 3.42 1 - 0
Kim Velevis - 3.23 & Stephanie Golman - 3.32 0 - 1
Kim Velevis - 3.23 & Lacey Mills - 3.42 1 - 0
Cynthia Solomon - 3.17 & Lacey Mills - 3.42 1 - 0
Cynthia Solomon - 3.17 0 - 1
Debbie Katz - 2.93 & Rachel Ladin - 2.92 0 - 1
Debbie Katz - 2.93 & Kim Velevis - 3.23 1 - 0
Debbie Katz - 2.93 & Emily Simon - 3.02 0 - 1
Rena Grubstein - 3.24 & Sarah Clayton - 3.18 0 - 1 1 - 0
Rena Grubstein - 3.24 & Dolores Staffin - 3.43 1 - 0
Rena Grubstein - 3.24 & Joanna Greenstone - 3.19 1 - 0